Client: Cork City Council

Location: Cork City, Ireland

Project Value: €1.36m

Description: Contract providing for better quality routes with increased levels of safety for pedestrians, cyclists and public transport users between the City Centre, the Bus Station and Kent Station in Cork, Ireland

Contract Works

  • 24No. road crossings throughout all phases of works. Road repair works were completed in two halves with a shuttle system used for the traffic. Trenches were filled with delay set macadam and on completion of all crossings, all trenches were permanently reinstated.
  • Widening, replacement, and resurfacing of 800m existing footways.
  • Construction of new footways including kerbing, installation of service ducts, drainage and surfacing. Road narrowing facilitated these works.
  • Ducting for all statutory undertakers.
  • Installation of surface-water drainage.
  • Installation of silver granite concrete slabs, red and yellow blister tactile paving including dished kerbing and cycleway pavement flags.
  • Relaying 110m2 of cobbles; pointing of 213 No. manhole covers
  • Construction of 1100m2 cycle track, 280m2 bus lane, pedestrian crossings and installation of toucan crossings.
  • New road junction layouts including signal and signage upgrading. Upgrading of traffic signals at proposed junctions.
  • Replacement of public lighting and installation of new lighting columns.
  • Dealing with various existing over ground, overhead and underground services - locating, and diverting as necessary. Depths of underground services from 0.2m to 1.5m in depth.
  • Installation of low level landscaping area; Installation of delineator bollards.
  • Provision of traffic and pedestrian management for an AADT 20,084. The existing road and footpath remained open to traffic, pedestrians and businesses during construction. Weekly meetings with Cork City Council and Gardai to discuss traffic management and pedestrian management layouts. As street closures were prohibited, road crossings were completed at night time. Road markings were also carried out at night time.


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